

Theme of the year. Image of the great commission CFM Images CFM images Youth Week Great Commission March, Fasting & prayers. Easter 2023 Easter 2023 May 2024 Theme May 2024 Theme Sunday service


Morning devotion is an essential part of a Christian's daily routine. It involves spending time in prayer and meditation on God's Word. Psalm 63:1 captures the essence of morning devotion, which is seeking God with an earnest desire. The verse reads, "O God, You are my God; early will I seek You; my soul thirsts for You, my flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water." David, the Psalmist, expressed his deep longing for God in this verse. He recognized God as his only source of satisfaction, and his desire to seek God early in the morning indicates his priority. The phrase "early will I seek You" denotes David's commitment to starting his day by seeking God's will and guidance. This same commitment should characterize the lives of every believer. Morning devotion requires discipline, but it is also an act of worship. It sets the tone for the day as we acknowledge God's sovereignty and invite Him to be the ruler of our lives. It is an opportunity to express our gratitude for His provision, protection, and guidance throughout the night. By seeking God early in the morning, we acknowledge that He is the source of our strength and wisdom, and we cannot navigate life without Him. Furthermore, morning devotion offers a platform to connect with God spiritually. It is a time to commune with Him, to pour out our hearts before Him, and to receive His grace and mercy. The phrase, "my soul thirsts for You, my flesh longs for You" speaks to the deep spiritual hunger and thirst we have for God. Just as our physical body requires food and water to survive, our soul thirsts for God, and we cannot exist without Him. In conclusion, Morning devotion is essential to our spiritual growth and wellbeing. It is a time to seek God with an earnest desire, to acknowledge His sovereignty, and to connect with Him spiritually. Psalm 63:1 captures the essence of morning devotion, and it should be our rallying cry each day, "early will I seek You." May we cultivate a culture of morning devotion in our lives and invite God to be the ruler of our day.


Church plays a significant role in the social and spiritual growth of an individual. It offers a variety of weekly activities that help members to develop and strengthen their faith. These activities are designed to engage members in various spiritual, educational, and social settings, helping them to form strong bonds with their community and their faith. One of the most common weekly activities in a church is Sunday service. This activity typically includes a worship service where members gather to pray, sing hymns, and hear a message delivered by the pastor or a guest speaker. The service is often followed by a time of fellowship where members can interact and connect with one another. Sunday service is a time for members to come together and rekindle their relationship with God, receive spiritual guidance and strengthen their connection with their faith. Another popular weekly activity at many churches is Bible study. Bible study sessions provide members with the opportunity to dive into the Word, reflect on scripture, and discuss the application of biblical principles to their daily lives. These sessions are typically hosted by church leaders and are open to all members, regardless of their age or experience. In addition to Sunday service and Bible study, we offer social events that allow members to connect and build relationships, like Sunday school and youth meetings. These social events help build a sense of community and allow members to get to know each other outside the Sunday service. We also, provide opportunities for members to serve their community through weekly activities like volunteering at local organizations or participating in outreach programs. These activities encourage members to serve others and reach out to those in need. Finally, prayer meetings and meditation sessions are also common weekly activities in many churches. These sessions provide members with a quiet and reflective environment in which to pray, meditate, and connect with God on a more personal level. In conclusion, the weekly activities offered by churches are designed to promote spiritual growth, encourage community, and provide opportunities for members to take an active role in serving others. Whether it's through worship services, Bible study, social events, or outreach programs, these activities reinforce the values of faith, hope, and love and help members develop a deeper relationship with God and their community.


Church Women’s Week is an annual event that is celebrated in various churches around the world. This week is dedicated to honoring and recognizing the incredible contributions of women in the church. It is a time to celebrate the achievements of women from all walks of life, who have served as leaders, pastors, caregivers, prayer warriors, and role models in the Christian community. The idea of Church Women’s Week is not only to bring women together, but also to empower them to take a more active role in the church. During this week, women come together to share experiences, challenges, and successes. They participate in various activities such as prayer sessions, Bible study, praise and worship, and charity work. In addition to these activities, Church Women’s Week typically involves keynote speakers who share their knowledge and wisdom on various topics that are relevant to women in the church. Some of these topics may include leadership, spiritual growth, marriage, parenting, and career. Through these sessions, women are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to overcome the challenges they face and succeed in their roles as Christians and women. During Church Women’s Week, a special emphasis is given to recognizing the achievements of women who have made significant contributions to the church. These women may include pastors, missionaries, evangelists, church leaders, or lay members who have made a positive impact on the lives of others within the church community. Recognizing these women not only highlights their achievements, but also serves as an encouragement for other women to emulate their example. CFM's Women’s Week provides an opportunity for women to give back to their community by engaging in various activities such as visiting hospitals, feeding the hungry, and providing clothing for the needy. The activities are designed to demonstrate the love and compassion of Christ, and to be a positive influence in the lives of those who are less fortunate. Ultimately, Church Women’s Week is a celebration of the unique and vital role that women play in the church. It is a time for women to come together, connect with each other, and grow in their faith. Through these activities, women are equipped to better serve their families, friends, and communities, ultimately leading to a more vibrant and flourishing church. In conclusion, Church Women’s Week is an important event that celebrates and empowers women in the church. Through prayer, study, fellowship, and community service activities, women are equipped to better serve God and their communities. This week serves as a reminder of the powerful impact women can have on the lives of those around them, and encourages them to continue to use their gifts and talents to make a positive difference in the world.